Everyone's Schedule Shortcode
ShiftController can display a publicly available calendar of your shifts.
This option can be useful when you would like to let your customers know who is on which shift. It will also help your employees find out when their colleagues are working.
What you need is simply inserting this shortcode into any of your WordPress post or page:
By default, this view will display the current week shifts calendar for everyone. If you need, you can adjust it by supplying additional parameters to control the display:
schedule (default)
Displays everyone's schedule. -
Displays the schedule of the employee which is linked to the current user if any.
schedule (default)
- week (default)
- month
- list
- report
- none (default)
- employee
- calendar
The start date, yyyymmdd, for example 20180901. If not supplied, it will start from the current date. You can also supply start-week, start-month, start-year if you are using list or report view. -
The end date, yyyymmdd, for example 20180901. You can also supply the range with the plus sign, for example +3 days. Applicable when type is list or report. -
From version 4.7.5
Exact time, yyyymmddhhmm, for example 202005281430. Also now can be used to get the current date and time. -
Calendar id, for example 123. You can find out the id of a calendar in Administration > Calendars. If not supplied, it will display shifts of all calendars. You can also supply several ids separated by comma.
Not applicable when route="myschedule". -
Employee id, for example 321. You can find out the id of an employee in Administration > Employees. If not supplied, it will display shifts of all employees. You can also supply several ids separated by comma.
Not applicable when route="myschedule". -
Optionally you can hide certain user interface elements on the front end page. Separate several options by comma. Possible options include:- type
- type-month
- type-week
- type-day
- type-list
- type-report
- groupby
- download
- filter (since version 4.9.34)
- filter-calendar
- filter-employee
- filter-conflict
- shiftdetails
- bulk (since version 4.9.28)
- pagetitle (since version 4.9.34)
- pagemenu (since version 4.9.34)
- date-nav (since version 4.9.54)
- report-duration (since version 4.9.54)
- report-qty (since version 4.9.54)
From version 4.8.7
Display shifts with pickup request. -
Display shifts with no pickup request. -
0 (default)
Display all shifts.
From version 4.9.17
Display shifts with conflicts. -
Display shifts with no conflicts. -
0 (default)
Display all shifts.
Month calendar for September for calendar #12:
[shiftcontroller4 start="20180901" type="month" calendar="12"]
Week calendar for the current week:
[shiftcontroller4 type="week"]
List shifts in the next 3 days:
[shiftcontroller4 type="list" end="+3 days"]
Do not show the calendar filter and the download button:
[shiftcontroller4 hideui="filter-calendar,download"]
Show the current user schedule.
[shiftcontroller4 route="myschedule"]
Display shifts at the current moment.
[shiftcontroller4 type="list" time="now"]
Display shifts with pickup request.
[shiftcontroller4 pickup="1"]